GlobeCxcix Default replied

715 weeks ago

State 3 items that you wish to complete and in order from High to Low.


High: Morrigan Body

Med: Usukane Legs

Low: Morrigan Hands

The lots will go by who has what for High/Med/Low. Example: Player1 has Morrigan Body on High and Player2 has Morrigan Body on Medium. Player1 gets priority to all Morrigan Body pieces over Player2 because Player1 has it on a higher tier. If 2 or more people have an item on same priority, they will each lot.

Any item that drops and is not on anybody's Wish List is freelot to those that can equip it.

Once a piece is complete, all pieces below that from that person's Wish List gets bumped up and that person will choose a new item to put on Low priority. If any bumped up items coincide with any other person's Wish List tier, you will have that item on the same tier but anyone who has had it there already will have higher priority.

Example: Player1 has High: Morrigan Body, Med: Usukane Legs, Low: Morrigan Hands and Player 2 has High: Skadi Feet, Med: Morrigan Hands, Low: Usukane Feet. Player1 completes Usukane Legs, therefore Morrigan Hands bump up to medium priority. Although Player1 + Player2 have Morrigan Hands on same tier now, Player2 obtains higher lot access due to having them on longer priority status.
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